Digital Vault
Your documents at your fingertips,
in total security
Save your important documents by controlling user access and traceability
Your confidential corporate documents in one place, accessible anywhere, anytime.
Exceptional security mechanisms that give indexed documents legal value.
An intuitive, user-friendly collaborative space for filing, searching, sharing and commenting on important documents.
Maintain the integrity and longevity of your data with time stamping and digital fingerprinting.
Data room
on your transactions
in total security
A certified Data Room for exchanging
and collaborate on your most sensitive
documents while maintaining control
Grant access to your Data room, control rights and gradually lift restrictions
Answer questions in a practical and intuitive Q&A module.
Track your guests' activity to anticipate bottlenecks and facilitate the success of your operations
15 free days – No card required
Join the ranks of companies already using timeref
The unique combination of
digital vault and data-room
with document authentication
With Timeref, every document is encrypted, versioned, indexed, time-stamped and protected by a dynamic watermark. All of which defines its digital borrowing.
Save time by centralizing all your strategic documents in 1 place, and manage access to them according to your collaborators.
Your documents are open to the outside world, with no data leakage or loss. Invite the parties involved in your transactions to consult, annotate and exchange questions and answers. And everything will be historical and encapsulated at the end of transaction.
Timeref is certified to the AFNOR NF203 standard, the industry benchmark for the evaluation of digital vault. NF203 guarantees the security, continuity, integrity and traceability of evidential documents hosted by the solution.
Certification issued by INFOCERT with AFNOR Certification. Quality requirements based on international standard ISO 25051. Business certification rules recognized as benchmarks by professionals and regulatory bodies.
What are you waiting for to secure your documents and our transactions?
What Timeref can do for me
Considerable time savings
Significant reduction in printing costs
Maximize audit and fundraising efficiency
Future-proof solution
Optimal collaboration
Clean and healthy filing of your data
Unrivaled level of protection
ROI achieved in a matter of weeks
15 free days- No Card Required
or book an appointment
with a Timeref consultant now:
+33 (0)3 74 09 67 56
The unique combination of a Digital Vault and a Dataroom for peace of mind, so you can concentrate on your core business.